28/03/2021 – Black Autonomy Podcast: EP1: Black Politics and Elections & Black Anti-Fascism And Armed Self-Defense
In dieser Sendungen möchen wir euch den anarchistischen BLACK AUTONOMY PODCAST vorstellen und wie geht das besser als gleich 2 Sendungen von diesem zu übernehmen! Einmal Episode 1: Vote For Me, I’ll Set You Free: Black Politics and Elections in der es um die Wahlen, Demokratie & Selbstbestimmung geht & Episode 4: Black Anti-Fascism And Armed Self-Defense in der es um Gegenwart & Geschichte Schwarzer Selbstverteidigung und Antifaschismus geht.
Aus der Selbstbeschreibung des Podcasts: The Black Autonomy Podcast is a series of discussions on anarchism and the relevance of its revolutionary ideals to the ongoing Black Liberation Movement. The show is hosted by JoNina Abron-Ervin and Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin, two veteran organizers, former Black Panther Party members and co-founders of the Black Autonomy Federation. The show is produced by a collaboration between writer William C. Anderson (@williamcson) and the Black Autonomy Federation. JoNina Abron-Ervin is a former editor of The Black Panther newspaper, author of Driven by the Movement: Activists of the Black Power Era, and a co-founder of the Black Autonomy Federation. Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin is the author of Anarchism and the Black Revolution, a co-founder of the Black Autonomy Federation, and a former member of the Black Panther Party.
Sendungshinweis: 12/07/2020 – Kuwasi Balagoon, Lorenzo Kom’Boa Ervin, Anderson & Zoe Samudzi
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