Social, Political and Environmental Activism in Music (continued)


Inforadio von und für Neo-Salzburgerinnen
Social, Political and Environmental Activism in Music continued (by a somewhat existing popular demand!)

Posted on | September 15, 2010 | No Comments

In our last 2 editions of Willkommen in Salzburg in July and August, the English/German language team continued the series: „Social/Political/Environmental Activism in Music“. We had a quite varied playlist and talked about different artists’ activities and causes they work for. One of the artists we mentioned and played music from was Jack Conte, from the U.S.A. You can download one of his songs, „Flavours“, at: 100% of the proceeds goes for Artists for Charity, helping HIV positive children in Ethopia.

Stay tuned for more interesting cultural/musical projects who make activism fun and reachable and, who knows? Maybe you get inspired, too!

Haydeé and Maria (english/german team)


Willkommen in Salzburg

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station