Civilmedia09, Day 1: Berzsenyi Radio: the voice of university (Gabriella Velics)


The presentation will introduce one of the best practice project of Hungarian campus radios, detailing structure, programmes and self-promotion. Berzsenyi Radio provides not only an effective practical basis for students of Communication and Media Science Department but also provides a free access for voluntary students who want to share and realize their ideas. The „Voice of University“ broadcasts via air (FM 98.8 MHz) and via internet ( This year nearly 60 students perform all kind of tasks in relation to radio, two lecturer and a technican give only a consultative and technical background of this work. Awards from professional jury and several valuable feedback from the labour market give proof of effective work and success.



Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Medienpolitik Radiomacher_in:David Röthler, Eva Schmidhuber, Marcus Diess
Sprache: Englisch