14.02. Aldo Rovai (EN)


grew up in Montelupo Fiorentino (Tuscany). In 1921, fascists murdered his father. Aldo worked as a gaffer in Empoli. After the strikes early in March, he was arrested on March 8th 1944 and deported to Mauthausen concentration camp. He survived and was liberated on May 5th 1945.

Photo: Private Collection Virgilio Rovai; Excerpts from: Ilda Verri Melo (Hg.), La Speranza tradita. Antologia della Deportazione politiica toscana (1943-1945), Florence 1992


Forced to Work – Willing to Survive (ENG)

Zur Sendereihe Station

Freies Radio Freistadt

Zur Station
Thema:History Radiomacher_in:Andrea Wahl
Sprache: English