#135: Fresh local hip-hop and buzzing electronic vibes from Radio Helsinki
The return of IndieRE in Graz is celebrated with a journey through the freshest hip-hop releases of the past weeks and months. But that’s not all—we’ll also dive into some fresh electronic sounds. Graz isn’t just Austria’s hip-hop capital; it’s also buzzing with electronic vibes.
The show features artists like Al Pone, who released his brand-new album BENJAMIN in February 2025. sirius sue and earl chives dropped their debut album Dunkelziffer in November 2024. P.tah ended his music pension and created a powerful track called Linkwork together with Kinetical, Pirmin, and P Money in January 2025.
So sit back and enjoy this episode of IndieRE!
Selected by Thomas Paier
Radio Helsinki, Graz, Austria – 2025
IndieRE 2.0 – Shows from Radio Helsinki Graz, Austria
Zur Sendereihe StationRadio Helsinki
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