12 Points to Eurovision – Women’s Day Edition


„Wonder Woman, Don’t You Ever Forget“

Explore Eurovision’s empowering anthems – ‚Diva,‘ ‚Toy,‘ ‚Queen of the Kings,‘ and more! Dive into the latest feminist debate sparked by the song ‚Zorra,‘ and discover other bold, revolutionary entries in the contest. Join me for a fascinating journey into diverse women’s representation on the Eurovision stage. Celebrate the triumphs, controversies, and unique narratives in this special episode commemorating Women’s Day.

Join this exciting musical journey narrated by Dela Blum, a true passionate of the Eurovision contest!


Internationaler Frauen*kampftag auf FREIRAD

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Society Radiomacher_in:Júlia Palacín Ester
Sprache: English

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