Civilmedia 08: Day 1: SalaamShalom: The world’s only in-English Muslim and Jewish radio station. (Shabana Kausar)


Civilmedia 08 – „Cultures – Participaton – Dialogue“: The Civilmedia is an annual international UnConference, organised by Radiofabrik Salzburg in co-operation with VFRÖ. This year it took place at the end of the „European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008“ from 4th to 6th of December. In bringing together international and national alternative media practitioners, researchers, policy makers, activists, and community development workers, Civilmedia08 reviewed the importance of community media and Web 2.0 for intercultural dialogue in Europe. More details at.

Contribution: SalaamShalom: Muslims and Jews Talking Together. The world’s only in-English Muslim and Jewish radio station. (Shabana Kausar)



Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Medienpolitik Radiomacher_in:David Röthler, Eva Schmidhuber, Marcus Diess
Sprache: Englisch