06/11/2021 – Elephant in the Room: Activists at the polish-belarusian border – A call for Solidarity
Diese Sendung handelt über die menschenverachtenden und tödliche Situation an der belarussisch/polnischen EU-Außengrenze. Wir haben die Aufnahmen von Elephant in the Room, einer anarchistische Radio Show aus Dresden, geliehen. Hier der originale Text von deren Homepage:
Since several weeks now the situation is becoming more and more dramatic at the polish-belarusian border. People try to cross and get pushed back by the polish border guards. Police, military and other forces hunting people in the forest to prevent them coming to poland. The weather is cold, the area swampy, people don´t have food, suffering from hypotermia, are injured from the fences and often get pushed back several times. More and more activists and NGO´s organize themself to help people to survive and give solidarity. How those work look right now and what do people experience through there stay at the border you will find in our show with three activists from different initiatives.
Contact to independent activist from no borders: borderofshame[at]riseup.net
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