02/07/2017 – B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world Nr.1
In der heutigen Sendung hört ihr einen 48minütigen Beitrag, der beim letzten Treffen anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radios im Juni 2017 in Athen entstanden ist.
Aus dem Ankündigungstext:
„B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“ is a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. As an international network of radio projects, we believe in the importance of international solidarity. And we also recognize the importance and the need to create and disseminate our own media and counterinformation.
We hope, with this effort, to reach out to other anarchist and antiauthoritarian projects, groups and individuals, and to strengthen our connections and our struggles in sharing our stories.
Although this program is in English, we recognize that even this ‚international‘ language can be alienating to some and we want to encourage others to create and share similar content in their own languages.
We want to hear the Bad News first!
Danke A-Radio Berlin für die Bereitstellung der MP3.
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