01/07/2018 – B(A)D News #12


Diese Sendung nutzen wir um euch die neueste Folge der B(A)D News – Angry Voices From Around The World vorzuspielen.

This is episode 12 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry Voices From Around The World,” a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world:

Dissident Island Radio out of the UK that gives us a report on far right demonstrations and other local news;

The Final Straw Radio from the united states gives us an interview with a comrade from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, regarding the situation regarding the riots on mayday;

Radiozones Of Subversive Expression from Greece gives us an update on political prisoners;

Radio Kurruf from the chilean region gives us a report of femenist may;

A-Radio Berlin will tell us about the plans for, and struggle against, the google campus in berlin.

[total: 38:41]

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And more content is available at https://www.a-radio-network.org


Anarchistisches Radio

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Sprache: English