Interviews – Documenting herstory – Views from periphery deconstructing the center
Queer – feminist podcast celebrating women, queers, art, activism and resistance. Conversations about struggles, challenges, art, technology and activism in patriarchal reality, as well as increased homophobia, transphobia and misogyny in patriarchal society. We will talk about migration, sex workers‘ rights, pioneering steps of queer activism, local drag culture, fetishes, solidarity, growing poverty, growing extreme right wing, growing racism and also love and hope in the brighter future.
Capturing the voices of people from the margins. Archiving audio diary and memories of people who were fighting for a better present during last 50 years. Voices from the periphery being heard. The voices which do not have the opportunity to be in the mainstream media. People standing behind these fights and all of us witnessing it are responsible to document this herstory , which is being ignored, erased and manipulated by mainstream society.
Putting topics from the periphery in the center. Memorizing the stories and herstory of people who make changes through their actions. Ženergija is an audio tool to record the herstory of the moment we live in, with the people who create that moment. Of course, to always remember the past and think about the future.
We celebrate diversity in so many languages, it is definitely going to be fun!
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Alle 68 Folgen
- Marcela Torres Heredia, researcher, activist aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 24.05.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Sanja Tropp Frühwald, artistic director, choreographer aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 18.05.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Marija Šabanović, photo artist aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 10.05.2024 | Orange 94.0
- MOVING VOICES, audio collage Ženergija PresenD-Arts aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 15.04.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Lisa Mai, dotdotdot & Anna Leon, Tanzquartier Wien aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 29.03.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Rey Joichl, Brunnenpassage & Erhan Althan, Neuer Wiener Diwan aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 22.03.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Tahereh Nourani, composer and sound artist & Krysztina Winkel, Wiener Staatsoper aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 15.03.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Aslı Kışlal, diverCITYLAB & Anke Schad-Spindler, EDUCULT aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 01.03.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Tayla Myree, eSeLSchwarm aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 23.02.2024 | Orange 94.0
- Mika Maruyama, Multiple Spirits & VBKÖ and Petz Haselmayer, Decolonizing... aus der Sendereihe „Ženergija“ 16.02.2024 | Orange 94.0